Genesis was given its name with a clear message… that with God there are always new beginnings!
If you are looking for a church, have had no church experience, or maybe have lost trust in the church we invite you to come with us on our journey. Our faith isn’t in the church either, but in Jesus. However, we do believe it’s through the Church that God made a plan to bring hope to the world.
Genesis is a place with a purpose to rethink life the way God intended and that place is where we and you can always begin.
Genesis was a calling that began in 2008 with a few families in Atlanta, Georgia led by Pastor Tim Grandstaff and his wife Tandy. After years and months of wrestling with God, the call to start a church had become loud and clear. For the next year while still on staff at West Ridge Church, Tim and Tandy Grandstaff along with their team there would plan, strategize, and begin the move for their family of four (at the time) along with a few other families to Orlando, Florida in 2009. This was a dream thirteen years in the making as Tim interned at First Baptist Orlando in the summer of 1996, where he fell in love with the city and it’s people. In the Fall of 2009, twenty-six adults and children would birth the core of Genesis Church.
It was on Sunday January 24, 2010, Genesis Church opened it’s doors to East Orlando at Timber Lakes Elementary School in Avalon Park to 150 attendees. What started as a calling from God and a big dream for all, became a reality as we quickly began to grow and reach our community. Church for Genesis wasn’t and isn’t just about Sunday, so a school was no big deal. In just over four years Genesis quickly grew and were soon holding two services of almost five hundred people to accommodate everyone. The heartbeat of this church was to always stay active in the community no matter how big it grew and so we made it a devotion of ours to extend generosity in many ways to serve Orlando and around the world.
However, after almost five years our young church needed a new location to continue to grow and God began to work again. In the summer of 2014 God opened the doors for Genesis Church to move to the center of the marketplace with a larger facility at Regal IMAX in Waterford Lakes Town Center. It was in this location that we began to see God broaden our reach as people began to come from all over the city of Orlando. We would also use a third location for Sunday evening services to facilitate that growth we were experiencing.
After 2 1/2 years in the theater, God opened a fourth door to partner with Family Christian Academy, our current location and facility. It is here that we have been for the past 7 years, navigating a world wide pandemic, and yet through all the change and transitions we have experienced the grace and favor of God.
In 15 years later, we have grown to 3 services to facilitate over 1400 people who call Genesis their home. We are streaming LIVE on multiple platforms every Sunday, partnering with 6 countries in global missions, having over 20 different nationalities represented, what God has done is truly amazing!
Often people ask what makes Genesis...Genesis? Well we have a DNA we exist by.
What is it?