Brazil Trip 2024
Approximate dates: October 7th - 14th
*Registration opens April 7, 2025*
For over 12 years Genesis has partnered with a church in the 7th largest city of the world, where over half the people live in extreme poverty. Partnering with Igreja Batista Parque das Flores and it's Pastor, Mozart Barbosa Alves, we have taken have taken 20 trips YTD, miraculously convinced 250+ people to travel with us over the years and built 13 houses! Throughout the years, we have also paired Genesis Church with Straight Street so that both organizations could have a wider impact internationally and together became the main supporters of an annual sports and arts camp, bi-weekly capoeira/jujitsu classes, dance classes, regular food shares for over 400 people, we have resourced music courses, and created a college education fund for children in the community through our Brazilian partners Mangalo/ Ecolar and Igregia Baptista Parque das Flores.
For more info about trips, financial contributions, or how you may be able to play a part, please email us.
To see what takes place on our trips we encourage you to watch the videos below.
ALL TOGETHER (Todos Juntos) we can do so much more!