Lent is traditionally a time for Christians to enter into a season of fasting, focus, and faithfulness. During these forty days (Sundays not included) the time is used to contemplate the gravity of Jesus’ sacrifice and the miracle of the resurrected Savior celebrated at Easter.
This season we encourage you to spend this time in:
A practice of abstinence, typically from food. The practice actually creates a slowness through self-denial to allow for pressing into reflection, repentance, and prayer. The time is symbolic of Jesus' sacrifice in the desert. Others may choose to abstain from other luxuries and distracting hobbies, interests, etc. such as television, social media, or anything that serves as a distraction from seeking God. (Matthew 4:1-4)
Removing distractions through fasting allows for a time of concentration and contemplation. It is a time to spend thinking about Jesus' sacrifice on the cross and His willingness to carry the burden of our sin and suffer for it. It is a time of repentance and coming to God aware of the gravity of our depravity, our hopelessness without the cross, and the bridge purchased in blood that graciously restores the relationship between God and man. (Romans 5:6-8)
Our faith hinges on the fulfillment of God's promises, the greatest of these promises is the the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The reality, however, is we waver in our faithfulness with God requiring only that we love Him and live a life that reflects that love. This season is an opportunity for a renewal of faith and commitment to living the life God designed for us to live. His faithfulness warrants our faithfulness. (Romans 1:17)
Lent 2025 is a journey and we welcome you to join us as we take this time to lean in to rethinking life the way God intended.
Our Lent Weekly Devotional consists of chapters taken from Max Lucado's He Chose The Nails and are accompanied by study questions designed for contemplation and spiritual growth. Although, the Lenten season begins on Ash Wednesday, it is recommended to begin this six-week devotional on Monday, March 10th, spending time in the text and study material and moving on every consecutive Monday.